This Friday we will be playing in Aiken SC for the Lobster races! When we first booked this, I thought Jack had lost his mind and worse, he may have been coming down with a strange low country version cross of dyslexia and lunacy! BUT's true! We are playing for the Lobster Race Festival. From what I hear, this is a HUGE deal and I cannot wait to do this one. It just sounds like a lot of fun to me! Our first show is 8:30PM-9:30PM and the second show is 10:00PM-11:00 PM. We would like for ALL partiers in the area to come out and have a ball with us. Our guitarist and partner, Mike Shuler will not be with us unfortunately. He is stuck in Japan working and trying to help that bunch land some airplanes!! LOLĀ  We have replaced him on this event with Mr. Jeff Grimes. He was the illustrious guitarist and vocalist with the EMBERS for 12 years and a member of not only the Beach Music Hall of Fame, but South Carolina's Hall of Fame too. He will be burning it down for Mike and if you haven't seen Jeff play in awhile, now's your time to see him with the Low country's best band: THE EAST COAST PARTY BAND! Thats guessed it.................... We will be putting 10 pounds of party in a 5 pound bag!

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